The DDA meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm
at City Hall - 36535 Green Street, New Baltimore, MI 48047.
(Some changes to dates may apply - for official meeting dates, please visit the New Baltimore City website)
Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.
About the DDA
The mission of the City of New Baltimore Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is to do the following, thereby establishing a downtown that is healthy, viable and economically sound for the future:
Correct and prevent deterioration in the DDA District
Create and implement development plans
Promote economic growth
Provide physical improvements to the District
Meetings & Agendas
DDA Members
Robert Higgins, Chair
Jeff Byrum, Treasurer
Jason Harvey, Secretary
Jennifer Columbo
James Dehem
Joe Drompp
Karen Gharbie
Frank Krause
Mark Miller
Jeffrey Riehl
Brittany Tarsenko
Shannon Zwiesler
Tom Semaan, Mayor
Florence Hayman, Council Liason
Mel Eason Jr., Council Liason
Laurie Huff, Planning Liason